Czech Press Photo announces nominations in the main categories of the contest’s 23rd year. The best photographs and videos in the twenty-third annual Czech Press Photo contest are now decided. An international panel judged the work of 482 photographers permanently resident in the Czech Republic or Slovakia and a total of 7277 photographs. 26 authors took part in the video section, with a total of 56 videos.
This year, the contest had nine photography categories and three video categories. The panel judged series and individual shots separately. The traditionally most important award is the main “Photograph of the Year” prize. Czech Press Photo will not be announcing this award until the awards ceremony in Old Town Hall on 21 November 2017.
“We saw a significant increase in the number of entries last year when candidates were first able to enter using our on-line form. This year’s participation, however, was a pleasant surprise for us as it was even higher. It was the second year our panel worked using the same system and at the same place, so there was less anxiety about the new. This year, the Nature and Wildlife category had a lot of entries, something I account for through synergy with the newly established Czech Nature Photo contest,” says Veronika Souralová, Director of Czech Press Photo.
“This year’s Czech Press Photo has again affirmed that no matter how professional and experienced out panel is, one’s perspective on photography is a purely subjective matter and even between photography professionals opinions can be diametrically opposed. Nevertheless, or perhaps because of this, the panel’s work was fascinating, valuable and friendly as every year. Naturally, not everyone will be happy about every nomination and we may be subject to criticism again, but that’s life and that’s Czech Press Photo,” concludes Panel Head, Petr Josek.
This year, individual photographs and videos could once again only be entered for the contest electronically. The contest was open to all entrants from the beginning to the end of September. Anyone permanently resident in the Czech Republic or Slovakia was able to take part, publishers, agencies, vocational schools and freelance photographers.
This year, individual photographs and videos could once again only be entered for the contest electronically. The contest was open to all entrants from the beginning to the end of September. Anyone permanently resident in the Czech Republic or Slovakia was able to take part, publishers, agencies, vocational schools and freelance photographers.
The international photography judging panel met on 12 – 15 October 2017 within the multi-genre Czech Photo Centre, made up of: PETR JOSEK, photographer, CZECH REPUBLIC – Panel Head, CLÉMENT SACCOMANI, NOOR Photo Agency Managing Director, FRANCE, STEFANO CARINI, photographer, photographic editor and curator, ITALY, JURAJ MRAVEC, publicist, investigative reporter, SLOVAKIA, JAN ŠIBÍK, photographer, CZECH REPUBLIC, ADRIAN EVANS, Panos Pictures Director, GREAT BRITAIN, FILIP LÁB, teacher, CZECH REPUBLIC, ALŽBĚTA JUNGROVÁ, photographer, CZECH REPUBLIC.
The international panel announced nominations in nine categories. The Prague Mayor’s Prague Grant, Canon Junior Awards prize for young photographers up to 23 years old, the ĆTK Award, the UNHCR Award, the Committee of Good Will – Olga Havel Foundation “My Life with a Handicap” award, the Children’s Award, and the PictoArt award were announced. The Visitors Award will be awarded on the basis of a poll amongst visitors to the exhibition.
Video Panel composition: Josef HARVAN, director, scriptwriter and producer – Panel Head, MARTINA HYNDRÁKOVÁ, online marketing specialist, OLGA SOMMEROVÁ, documentary film director and teacher, MIRO ŠVOLÍK, photographer, JAN VANIŠ, camera operator and photographer. The panel chose the winners of the three contest categories.
The Czech Press Photo 2017 contest and exhibition is organised by:
Czech Photo, o.p.s. and the City of Prague
with support from the Ministry of Culture and the Mayor of Prague.
General Partner: Trigema
Partners: Renomia,Canon, eCONTEST, UNHCR, EIZO, Samsung, Pictoart, Olympus, Rückl Crystal, the Committee of Good Will Olga Havel Foundation, Siko, Ptáček-koupelny bathrooms, University of Economics Graphics and Multimedia Laboratory, foto Škoda
Main media partners: Český rozhlas 1 - Radiožurnál
Media partners: Právo, Novinky.cz, Prima ZOOM, ČTK, Forbes, Lidé a Země, Prague Morning, Fotoaparát.cz
Main prize Crystal Eye created with a completely new design by Rückl Crystal
The Czech Press Photo 2017 exhibition will be open to the public from 22 November 2017 until 30 January 2018 in the Cloisters and Knights’ Hall of the Old Town Hall in Prague.
The official announcement of Photograph of the Year, individual category winners, Prague Grant and special prizes / Canon Junior Awards prize for young photographers up to 23 years old, the ĆTK Award, the UNHCR Award, the Committee of Good Will – Olga Havel Foundation “My Life with a Handicap” award, the Children’s Award, the PictoArt award and the awards ceremony and exhibition vernissage will take place on 21 November 2017 in the Old Town Hall. There will be an extra programme taking place during the exhibition within the Czech Photo Centre gallery, which will principally involve showcasing the winning photographers, who will also hold chats with the public. An overview of discussions will be published at www.czechphoto.org.
Press release to download at format .docx
Press release with photos to download at format .zip
Source of photography: Czech Press Photo
Contat details and further info:
Public relations - Radek Polák tel.: +420 778 747 113, polak@czechpressphoto.cz, www.czechphotocentre.cz.