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- 2015
- The Children's Award
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Series description: Statement of the children’s jury: “We chose the photograph because it radiates the love of two old people who went through a concentration camp together, losing many loved ones. We were surprised to learn the two people have lived together for 74 years and they still love each other.” Spectacles (Auschwitz). To see the human in a human being Magdaléna Nágelová, née Mahrerová, born on 22 November 1920 in Kysucké Nové Mesto and Ing. Ľudovít Nágel, born on 4 August 1915 in Tulčík (the district of Prešov) Hiding in the mountains, concentration camps Ravensbrück, Dortmund, Bergen-Belsen. Of the two families, 33 people died.
Author: Maňo Štrauch
The Children's Award |
Detail (single)